“Fear Conquered: Girls Team Surpasses Debate Challenges in MGT 210 Showdown”

Everyone knows that they are afraid to stand in front of everyone and speak with a microphone. The people I am going to talk about today are some of the people in this group. But looking at the picture, doesn’t it seem different? Let’s know the story of these three people.

On 25 September 2023, the course teacher of MGT 210, Razib Hossain, arranged a debate competition between the girls and boys teams of Management 27th batch A-section about the current budget. Dr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain, the Chairman of the Management Department, was present as the chief guest and also the speaker. Prof, Ali Akkas was present as a guest of honour. Razib Hossain, lecturer of the department, was present as chairman. The members of the boys’ team were Abdus Samad, Nadim Hossain, Shafiul Islam Sakib & Mohammad Asif. The members of the girls’ team were Enne Akter, Dolon Alam Jui, Antik Gour Borsha & Sumaiya Saba. None of the girls’ team members had any knowledge about the debate. They were very afraid of public speaking. They participate in the competition with a bunch of nervousness but they have patience and confidence. But at the end of the day, their nervousness is defeat and patience wins. Yes, your guess is right. The girls’ team wins. They were very happy that day. The reason is not that they win; the reason is that they overcome their fear and discover themselves.

The leader and the best speaker of the girl’s team Enne Akter, said, “To be honest, it was a challenge for me to participate in a debate competition where presentations and article writing were ongoing and the semester final will start just after a week. But as a business student now, I am used to working with challenges. So I took this challenge and prepared myself for the event. The preparation was going pretty well, but the problem appeared the night before the competition: I couldn’t speak properly due to a sore throat. That’s why I felt nervous. Fortunately, that problem didn’t bother me at the time of the competition. I was overwhelmed to hear the best speaker. It was totally unexpected. My team members were so cooperative that it was possible to win the competition. The journey was full of experience and learning. It would be a worthwhile memory in my university life.” The second speaker, Dolon Alam Jui, said, “This debate was the first debate in my life. I was very excited about it. All the organisers, the audience, and my team members were very supportive. The opposition team was also very strong. Our winning moment was the best part of this debate. I am very grateful to be a part of this debate and this winning team.

Another competitor of girls’ team, Sumaiya Saba, said, “Ever since I was a child, when I used to watch debate competitions on TV shows, I always wanted to experience it. Although I was a fourth-team member, I was able to experience it up close and be a part of it which was great. I hope I can play the role of a speaker in the future, In Sha Allah.

Girls Team with Honourable Chairman Sir and Rajib Sir

I would like to give special thanks to Rajib Sir for organising this wonderful debate. It was a new experience for me.” The third speaker, Antik Gour Borsha, said, “I was very confused about whether I should participate or not. I wrote down my name very ambiguously. But my teammates and mentor seniors encourage me all the time. Even before arriving at the stage, I was very nervous. But when the microphone came to my hand and I started speaking, I forgot my nervousness. When the audience clapped upon hearing my speech, it was a great moment that enhanced my confidence.  These five minutes were enough to enhance my confidence for future life. I think it is one of the biggest achievements of my university life.”

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